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Below are the four events that will be discussed, as well as how those major events affected New France regions.

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Reconstruction Period


Reconstruction started after the civil war. Slavery inequalities were addressed during rebuilding. To avert future issues, it addressed political, social, and economic legacy. New France and other southern republics vanquished in the conflict were governed by northern military rulers. Republicans intended to rule the seceded southern states.

Former slaves gained suffrage at this time. Freed slaves could vote. Women had to wait until 1965 for this. Before the civil war, slaves were property.
Black Americans were also recognized. This was crucial because they could now exercise certain legal rights. This gave them chances like education and employment to advance in life. Black people made advances throughout rebuilding, even though they were not treated as well as white people.

Great Depression:


New France and Louisiana were no longer in existence during the Great Depression, as they had been under French control and ceded to Great Britain in the 18th century. However, Louisiana was one of the states hit hardest by the Great Depression, due to its reliance on agriculture and the decline in demand for cotton, sugar, and other crops.


The Great Depression had a significant impact on Louisiana's economy, leading to widespread poverty, unemployment, and hardship. Many Louisiana farmers lost their lands and homes due to foreclosures, while others were forced to migrate to other parts of the country in search of work.


In response to the economic crisis, the federal government initiated a range of relief programs, such as the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Public Works Administration, and the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, which aimed to create jobs, provide aid to struggling farmers, and stimulate economic growth. These programs helped to alleviate some of the worst effects of the Great Depression in Louisiana and other parts of the country.


Despite the difficult economic circumstances, Louisiana continued to be a hub of cultural innovation during the Great Depression, with musicians, artists, and writers drawing on the region's rich history and traditions to create new forms of expression. The legacy of Louisiana's vibrant culture and diverse communities continues to inspire artists and scholars today.

Great Depression Images [4]
Great Depression images [10]
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WW2 images [12]



New France and Louisiana played an essential and critical role in the war. Louisiana provided a key location for military training and naval operation due to its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. Moreover, Louisiana also had an impact in war tools and equipment production. As it was home to many factories which manufactures weapons and ammunitions.


Due to the state great impact and role in the war, it resulted in economic growth. However as there were many african american tensions rose due to racism and segregation even though the african american were great aid during the war.


Civil Rights Movement:


The population of African-Americans, and other minority groups was huge in Louisiana due to the large number of factories and production companies. this lead to a growth in tension and protest. African-Americans started demanding and fighting for their basic rights and an end to segregation. They wanted equal opportunities and equal level of education and life. Louisiana was home to the first large scale transportation boycott in the South as well as home to Rudy Bridges who became the first 6 year old to enter an all white school.


Civil Rights Movement Image [6]
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